
The Ideal Applicant

One of life’s most strenuous tasks we have to partake in is looking for a job. No one ever likes to participate in this process. The searching, the resume submitting and denial notices can wear on a person’s psyche. Still this corporate courting process always has a positive or negative result. Once they like the resume, we receive a call to have an interview. If successful, there is second interview by another person or possibly a panel. Then there’s the background check, drug test and possibly credit check. All of these things are done to ensure they hire the right person or the ideal applicant.

As people of faith, we will never be the ideal applicant for the title Christian. Most people believe that a real Christian is moral, upright, righteous, merciful, loving, kind and more. However some days we fall short of those expectations. If not once our spiritual backgrounds are checked we would be disqualified. In a career setting, our insubordination or soiled background would be grounds for a write up or termination. Yet in the kingdom of God, we never get fired. When we fail to meet the standards, God continues to love us. Though we have to learn from our mistakes, our faults are not final. The only ideal candidate for the job God has to offer has already taken His position at His right hand, Jesus. We will never be the perfect candidate but with Jesus as our boss we always get the job done.

“for though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again…” Proverbs 24:16 (NIV)

Have a Blessed Day

Lisa Hinton